Professional Development Opportunity for Utah Educators

Submitted by amy.ewell on

Are you a Career and Technical Education (CTE) teacher in the Mountainland Region looking for a unique professional development opportunity? Look no further than the Teachers in Industry and Business (TIB) externship program.

The TIB externship program offers CTE teachers the chance to spend 64 hours during the summer working in a business or industrial setting relevant to their subject area. By participating in this program, teachers gain valuable work experiences that provide insights into current industry trends and practical applications of classroom concepts.

The benefits of the TIB externship program extend beyond just the participating teacher. By making contacts with professionals in the industry, CTE teachers can also develop opportunities for their students to participate in internships, cooperative work experiences, and other valuable partnerships.

In addition to the on-site externship experience, program participants are required to attend pre and post-experience workshops. These workshops are designed to help participants maximize the benefits of the externship and develop instructional activities for use in their classrooms, shops, and labs.

Teacher In Business TechnologyTo be eligible for the TIB externship program, applicants must be a faculty member teaching in a CTE program within the Mountainland Region. The application deadline is 5:00 pm on Friday, March 10, 2023, and awards will be based upon the Region's areas of focus, instructor tenure, and CTE Director recommendations.

During the externship, participants will maintain a time log of daily tasks, activities, and observations. They will also complete a written report of their externship experience and a lesson plan integrating math and/or language arts in their CTE curriculum.

Participating in the TIB externship program can be an excellent opportunity for CTE teachers to gain real-world experience and establish valuable connections with professionals in their field. Don't miss out on this unique professional development opportunity - submit the application by the deadline to your CTE Director and see where the TIB externship program can take you and your students.

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